In a courageous act of protest against the tyrannical Canadian government, Buck & Jo's restaurant in Wingham, Ontario is refusing to collect taxes (HST) on behalf of the government, and is moving to a cash only model as it reopens Monday, according to the restaurant's Facebook page. Not only is this in defiance of the federal government, but the provincial one as well, and customers are only being asked to pay what they would like to pay when placing an order.
Throughout the course of the pandemic, this outstanding establishment was an outspoken critic of harmful lockdowns, and refused to infringe on individual's rights by asking for vaccine passports. In a video released to YouTube, one of the owners is seen telling the local health unit that they can ask patrons for that information themselves, even offering them a space and a table where they could set up in front of their restaurant... for a "reasonable rate" 😂.
Due to their patriotic stance, the restaurant has had to deal with some unfortunate, unconstitutional legal issues. They were threatened with arrest if they failed to comply with an Ontario Court Of Justice summons which will have them defend their anti-segregation stance in court. Their next court date is February 15th at 9am and it is open to the public, with the public being encouraged to attend to support via zoom.
If you would like to help this incredible restaurant and it's owners, be sure to visit them when they reopen on Monday, check them out on Facebook, and you can help their cause and legal battle by donating to their GoFundMe here:
For standing up for the rights and freedoms of citizens everywhere, we thank you Buck & Jo's.